Coaches & Athletes

Gain the competitive edge with NuShoulder® technology.


Providing a convenient, seated platform for quick, easy, and targeted rotator cuff training, our system helps prevent shoulder injuries and maintains promotes faster recovery. Effectively isolating the rotator cuff muscles, our machine stabilizes the shoulder joint, delivers valuable shoulder training and ensures proper form for each of the five key movements. The NuShoulder® System takes valuable shoulder training to the next level by isolating the rotator cuff and ensuring proper form for each of the five exercises.


Take your shoulder training to the elite level with the state-of-the-art NuShoulder® System. NuShoulder® not only educates athletes but maximizes valuable training time. By adopting the NuShoulder® System, you avoid the tedious burden of maintaining perfect form and manually changing weights.
  • Enhance your performance
  • Improve and maintain your shoulder health
  • Limit your recovery time
  • Invest in you
Take your shoulder training to the elite level with the state-of-the-art NuShoulder® System.

Select your athlete type below for specific context and positional modalities.